Find The Best Scholarships for You
One of the greatest things about college is the free money people will throw at you. Yes, that’s right, scholarships and grants. Unfortunately, your income has to be pretty low to qualify for most grants, I’m talking low enough that it’s hard to even live on. So, scholarships are your best friend.
The essay
Most scholarship applications include an essay. Usually, the scholarship essays are pretty generic and you can use the same essay for multiple applications. A good idea is to write one about your life and any obstacles you’ve overcome that made you a better person. The best essays are those about your passions. Did you really volunteer with the elderly because you live to help people or to put it on your college application? If you’re a funny person, let them know that. If you are a bleeding heart, bleed all over that paper. An essay is about selling yourself and if you must embellish, then go ahead.
Where to find them
Your school advisers have the best collection of local scholarships, which give you a better chance. Also, most colleges have their own scholarships, which I think are just discounts since they’re the ones giving it to you. Either way, it’s money you don’t have to pay back. Most undergraduates with decent grades and a half decent essay can get something out of their school if they apply. After you’ve tapped those resources, online is the next step. Here’s three websites that were crucial for me.
- Student Scholarship Search
- Fast Web
- College Board
- Big Future
- US Department of Education Financial Aid Website
Athletic scholarships are often awarded to high school athletes based on skill and performance. Unless you’re already a talented athlete, you should keep looking. Academic scholarships are based on your academic merit and financial scholarships are for those in financial need of assistance. Academic scholarships are hard to get because you’re being judged based on GPA, test scores, extracurricular activities and awards. Athletic and academic scholarships are very competitive and you need to start early to market your abilities to get noticed.
Places to look for private scholarships:
- Corporations
- Unions
- Foundations
- High schools
- Religious organizations
- Chamber of commerce
- Philanthropic organizations
Be careful when giving out personal information. Make sure it’s a legitimate scholarship before you give too much info. Stay away if they want some of your money.